21 November 2006

Reverse Engineering... Or Not

It seems I got some info wrong... my BC is the newer version of TUSA BCJ1600 - BCJ1650 (redesigned apparently). Found out when I read the label while having one of those stupid moments. Stupid is too mild a word actually.

When I was young, I had this annoying (annoying to my dad) habit of unscrewing stuff, taking it apart, and then trying to reassemble it later. I like to think of it as "reverse engineering" because it just sounds so cool!

I guess I picked that up when I started messing about with Lego. Needless to say, there were many times when things didn't quite fit together again; they didn't appear as before; there were leftover parts; or they simply didn't work anymore.

Just as there is a bright side to everything, my reverse engineering instincts have given me the know-how of building PCs from scratch (or at least with a manual).

Anyway, the kid in me lives on. When my gear was finally dry, I got to packing it away neatly in my cupboard. On examining my newly purchased BC, I realized that it's actually possible to disassemble it... without any tools! I'm still not wise enough to hold back on such impulsive acts, and it took a mere 15 minutes to remove the straps and pull the inner vest off the bladder & backplate.

But of course I wouldn't be posting this on here if I didn't fuck up. And that's exactly what I did... I fucked up. Thinking that I'm brilliant, I didn't bother to document which straps go where, and how, and wound up spending a good 30 minutes trying to piece everything back together.

It still didn't look quite right though. A closer examination showed that the straps were simply too loose (means the tank would probably swing around when I put it on). Spent another 15 minutes trying to tighten the straps as best I could. It took that long because some of the straps go in really hard to reach places (sounds like some toothbrush ad).

End result - looks as good as new (I know it's a stupid thing to say when it really is new). What's lacking is the confidence that it won't give me problems when I'm lugging 25 kilos of scuba gear around. *fingers crossed*

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