25 December 2006

Tripping Phuket: Drunkards From Malaysia

Night life at Patong is amazing. Well actually, much of life in Patong only begins at night anyway. It's like having a street party every night of the week, every week of the month, every month of the year. The crowd is just perpetual.

Our first night was spent peacefully over chor dai dee, some satay foods from a hawker downstairs, and a bottle of Bacardi we bought at the airport. Main reason for our subtleness was the diving planned for the next morning.

Our second night was a little less subtle. We decided to check out the local bar scene and found one with a band playing just round the corner from Crown Hostel. The prices were alright, and the music was decent. But all in all it was nothing to shout about. We got weary by the middle of the second jug and votes were in favour of changing spots.

As we hadn't done much research on where to hang out before this, we simply walked the streets with our ears peeled for bands jamming their hearts out. 15 minutes later our feet brought us to this place...


Many factors contributed towards our choice of finding a place here. For one thing, they had a nice set up under the stars... air-conditioning not necessary. They also had a big enough stage for the band to play. There was a pretty big crowd there already, and that told us that the place couldn't be half bad. And there was the little bonus of this cute santarina as the hostess to greet us as we arrived.

It's not really a good pic because she blinked. Here's one taken with Robert's phone...

Much better!

We had many laughs at The Port. And the music was great. The service was fair and the waiters & waitresses friendly.

As we came to a close to the evening, Chow Phang decided to splurge by buying us each a round of 'Knock Outs'.

We still managed to comfortably find our way back to Crown Hostel. Along the way, we stopped for some photo-taking...

Damn drunkards!

Well like I said, we still made it back safely, without anyone puking... and everyone just seemed so "happy". LOL. The "Knock Out" worked... I slept like a baby.

We went all out on our last night in Phuket. Initial plans to check out the clubbing scene - Banana Club was dropped due to budget constraints. Where better to go to have a great time than the same place as the night before when we had ourselves a blast. So, back to The Port.

This time, we had more beer - 6 litres to be exact, more rounds of chor dai dee, more jokes & laughs, more friendly chats with the waiters, more music, and more of a great time.

We even came across another group of Malaysians there on holiday. It was refreshing to see people who looked and sounded like us. The initial sound of people speaking in Cantonese immediately caught my attention, and I just couldn't help but to walk over and say hi.

The evening at the Port continued with more alcohol...
Lots of Beer

Lots of tequila

A huge-ass customized extra strong Long Island Tea

And to it top off, a triple shot tequila for....

Air Asia Annual Dinner's biggest loser... RM5,000 lucky draw cash prize flushed down the drain man! This fella was so wasted, he didn't even realize he was signing MY credit card transaction.

And of course he wasn't the only one.

That's me puking all over Phuket. The locals were begging Robert & Chow Phang to lead me to the beach and do it in the sand.

Further attempts to get back on foot were futile. But that's not to say we didn't try. "Clear the way, drunk bastard coming through", "Malaysian drunk bastard!" ...I remember Soon Yean screaming as Robert & Chow Phang struggled with me. We were making such a scene that everyone we walked passed clapped & cheered & even hi5-ed us. WTF???!!!

On giving up the walk, we took a tuk-tuk back and sang songs by Beyond. I raced straight up the stairs for bed while the others continued on a little longer nearby.

1 comment:

Hengster said...

Finally, someone blogging about the Phuket trip and not just provide a link to my blog

Great story!