Seems like just yesterday I was collecting AngPows from relatives and spending it on taking girls shopping & vacations. The current equation –shopping & vacations minus the girls. Go figure!
Where does the time go?! Lately, nothing much I do seems important. Nothing really leaves a lasting impact on me anymore. Maybe this entire care-free attitude isn’t such a good thing. Oh well, who cares?!
So what’s in store for the final quarter of 2006? Hmmm… tough question. I guess the phrase “SSDD” from DreamCatcher suits – same shit different day. Things to expect:
- December vacation (Bali/Phuket) – SY should be shot for tempting me into this.
- Less clubbing – no money le... heck, let’s just write it off and make it “no clubbing”
- No shopping – sighhhh…a shopaholic who can’t shop no more!
- The following dating scenarios:-
Good: find a girl and start spending future earnings again
Better: no girl walks into my life now
Best: someone who’s willing to go Dutch comes along
Priceless (pardon the pun): she insists on paying for me!
- Possible new employment prospects – remind me not to quit before year-end bonus is declared (yea right… what bonus?! ptui!)
"Dear Lord, thank you for the wonderful imagination you have given me. But do you $till have the receipt $o I can exchange it for $ome ca$h to pay off my c.c. debt?"